Code and Learn - Let's contribute to Node.js, JSDC x Google


本次邀請到 Myles Borins, 他是 Node.js TSC  核心成員,也是 Node.js core 貢獻開發者,同時也是專職於 Google for Node.js GCP 解決方案專家。

就讓我們跟著大師一起學習,深層了解 Node.js, 一起試著將程式碼貢獻給 Node.js core, 本場活動將帶領各位了解如何深入到 Open Source 的世界,同時了解如何將程式碼貢獻給 Node.js 核心程式碼當中。

就讓我們一步一步,快快樂樂學習『Code and Learn』

This workshop we invite Myles Borins leads, Myles is a core member of Node.js TSC and a core contributor to Node.js, is also a GCP solutions expert specializing in Google for Node.js.

Let's follow Master, learn Node.js, and try to contribute code to the core of Node.js. This event will walk you through how to get into open source worlds and learn how to contribute code to Node. js core.

Let's step by step, "Code and Learn".



13:45 - 14:00 Entering Googler
14:00 - 14:30 Talks Myles Borins
14:45 - 15:40 Value session - core values for the node.js project Myles Borins
15:50 - 18:00 Code and Learn - how to contribute to Node.js Myles Borins



  • 2017/11/22 (三) 13:45 - 18:00


  • 具備 Node.js 開發經驗者 (Intermediate Node.js developer)

  • Web 開發者 (Web developer)

  • 熟悉 Git 工具
  • 需事前安裝
    • ​​Visual studio (Windows user)
    • XCode (Mac user)
    • GCC (Unix user)





台北101 - Google Office / 台北101 / 台北101 - Google Office / 台北101

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

~ 2017/11/22 18:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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